Det har ju snöat litegrann

Jag är inte så bra på att plugga idag. Usch och fy! Det borde jag vara, eftersom tentan är i morgon.

Postat av: hannie

Oj, så skojsiga länktips man fick när man skrev plugga och tenta: högskoleprovet, språkurser hela världen, matematik a, avista studera utomlands...

2005-12-18 @ 13:19:52
Postat av: James Cook

No, no, you just relaxe.. don't worry be happy. The exam will turn out well for you, VG. Now, let's make som maps.

2005-12-18 @ 13:37:35
Postat av: Winston Churchill

Yes Mr Cook. Great thing you did with drawing the maps. Just remember: We are with Europe, but not of it.

2005-12-18 @ 13:49:40
Postat av: James Cook

You're right about that Churchill, it was a shame you were not re-elected after the Second World War. But you got the Nobel Prize in literature, way to go!!

2005-12-18 @ 13:55:29
Postat av: Winston Churchill

Yes, I know. And when I wasn't in power anymore we lost all of our colonies, startning with the fuss about the Suez Canal. What a mess...

2005-12-18 @ 14:07:54
Postat av: France

UK can blame itself!

2005-12-18 @ 14:22:40
Postat av: Britain

You should't mess with us all the time, la France

2005-12-18 @ 14:30:57
Postat av: Africa

You're both to blame assholes!

2005-12-19 @ 16:50:40
Postat av: John Holmes

Why all this talk about James cock?

2005-12-19 @ 16:51:13
Postat av: Elizabeth I - the virgin queen

Mr Holmes, are you that porn star politician? Shame on you! And James is called COOK and nothing else. You have to practise your reading skills.

2005-12-26 @ 15:20:28

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